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Waking Up to Wellness: A Thoughtful Celebration & Renewal of Self

Wake up to wellness and get your Saturday started right this weekend with our back-to-back yoga classes on Saturday, April 7th at Town Fitness in Oakland. Taught by Berkley Native, Shakira Scott, the class will focus on building strength and aligning the body with the mind to the flow of 90s R&B, alternative music, reggae, and jazz. By exploring postures, both powerful and restorative, students will travel through asanas linked to their inhales and exhales. Practice ends with pranayama and meditation.

Women work twice as hard in the music and media industries, so we're happy to be sprinkling some wellness into the festival. Needless to say, self-care is a needed must for any goal you're on the way to achieving. Goody packs will be provided by Go Raw, Bare Snacks, Ocho Organic Candy, RxBar and Health Ade Kombucha.  We will also be sharing information about #AsYogaDay with our home team Oakland A's. 


Shakira Scott (a.k.a Your Local Yoga Dealer) is a Berkeley native and East Bay baby, all the way. Being raised around artists, musicians, educators, Black Hippies, the yogic lifestyle was a familiar culture that she attempted to explored in 2009. As a dance major in college, Shakira took her first yoga class only to hate it. It would take 5 years to revisit the practice (this time more mature and no longer dancing). Having switched to a physically demanding visual stylist career for many years, Shakira had begun developing intense back pain, so she came back to the practice. She fell in love with the results after a few months, but not just the physical body. Shakira noticed how much more calm and aware she was. After studying and consistently practicing, she knew she had to tell her people (Baydestrians) about the magical world of yoga. Shakira completed her 200 hr teacher training with Yoga to the People in 2015.